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Big Atlanta Business Trip, Blog Fail & Giveaway...

Annie Troe

Photo AmericasMart, Twitter

Photo AmericasMart, Twitter

...and fried green tomatoes.

Hi Happy Campers!

I got back from Atlanta Georgia on Saturday and have been blessed to have lots to do since I got back! I met my Agent Julie, and her partner Mary Ann for two full days of back to back meetings with manufacturers in their show rooms at the AmericasMart. BIG thanks to ArtsDG for setting all those meetings up! The AmericasMart are 3 bulidings full of permanent and temporary manufacturer's show rooms. We spent the majority of your time in Building 2 which has 18 floors. I am excited about the interest in my art from these manufacturers!

AmericasMart Yelp Listing

Photo: AmericasMart Yelp Listing

My legs are sore from two days of walking from meeting to meeting :-)

So the blog fail is that I was so focused on the meetings that I forgot to take any pictures AND I didn't get to the manufacturer's show room with my candy corn figurines!?

We did get a chance to eat some wonderful food. I did have fried green tomatoes for the first time. You just can't go wrong with deep frying food.

This is a little peek at what we showed to manufacturers.

Giveaway - are you interested?

This is my newest art to be licensed. I am wondering if any of you would be interested in winning this garden flag and pole available at Lowe's. My last garden flag giveaway wasn't very popular so wondering if anyone would be interested in this one. Please let me know in the comments below or email me - Thanks! If I get a couple of people interested, I will set up the giveaway soon.

Thank YOU all for following my artist life, your support and input.

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