Hey Happy Campers!
Make an offer this coming Friday on my Facebook page an this is yours! I will post a comment with this image above, post your offer in the comments. I will post around Noon CST. I will only take offers for 24 hours (through Sat. Oct. 7th, Noon CST). I will provide a PayPal link for payment - you do not need a PayPal account.
• US residents only
• Bids start at $5 to cover shipping and a little of my supplies
• Comment again to increase your bid
• Bids will be rounded up to the nearest dollar
• Winner has 48 hours to make payment
• Plan on 12 days for painting to arrive USPS
• Comes with Certificate of Authenticity
• Like my Facebook page so you know when the next giveaway, auction or other fun things are going on
• Enter, bid on as many paintings or giveaways as you like!
Painting Details
5 x 7 inch acrylic palette knife painting on cotton canvas panel. Gel gloss isolation coat. Gloss varnish.

The Wish
Many of you know I write a wish on the canvas before I start a painting. You can see above I wrote "Follow your heart" with watercolor pencil.
Want it larger? As a Pillow and More?
No worries, I have uploaded it to my gallery where you can get prints, wrapped canvas, phone cases, pillows and more! Click here
Follow me on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram, links at bottom of the page. If you are an Art Director / Manufacturer / Retailer you can see my complete portfolio on ArtLicensingShow.com (you can join for free).
Follow this blog so you know when the next giveaway will be & what I am up to in my artist life!
Looking forward to your comments below - So great to connect with you! Spread Joy Today!