Happy New Year Joy Spreaders!
I really like the new blog and the features, BUT you now have to login to comment and I have not found a work around for that. It also has the ability to set up a community where we can all hang out. I think that is something I will try using in the future as my email/newsletter does not get much response for all of you :-D Could be a fun thing if we hang out once a month and chat š
The BEST place to follow me is on my Facebook Fan Page, That is where the giveaways happen https://www.facebook.com/AnnieTroe/. I also post gallery events there and on occasions sell original art. Next best place is Instagram https://www.instagram.com/annietroe/
ALSO I have been calling all of you amazing people who support my artist life "Happy Campers" here on my blog. I am going to switch to Joy Spreaders because that is how much fun I have with all of you! It has become a wonderful community of Joy Spreaders š. That is also how I ended each post for the last several years.
TEASER! I have some exciting news coming out soon! Stay tuned!
My goal?, to SPREAD JOY TODAY!
